Coming Together
When workers come together as a group, they give themselves a voice in the workplace through a guaranteed contract. Some of the benefits of having a collective bargaining agreement:
- Higher wages –fair rates of pay, periodic pay increases, shift and grade differentials
- Better working conditions – job security, safety and health protections, seniority, and fair treatment
- Reasonable hours – defined work schedules and paid holidays and vacation
- Solid benefits – health insurance, sick leave, and pension
- A voice at work – formal steps to settle contract disputes through a set grievance procedure
Strengthen the Community
Union workers earn more than nonunion workers. On average, a worker covered by a union contract earns 10.2% more in hourly wages than someone with similar education, occupation, and experience in a nonunionized workplace in the same sector.
- When union density is high, nonunion workers benefit from higher wages. When the share of workers who are union members in an industry or occupation is relatively high, as it was in 1979, wages of nonunion workers are higher than they would otherwise be. For example, had union density remained at its 1979 level, weekly wages of nonunion men in the private sector would be 5% higher (that’s an additional $2,704 in earnings for year-round workers), while weekly wages for nonunion men in the private sector without a college education would be 8%, or $3,016 per year, higher.
- Union workers are more likely to be covered by employer-provided health insurance. More than nine in 10 workers—95%—covered by a union contract have access to employer-sponsored health benefits, compared with just 68% of nonunion workers. When adjustments are made for other characteristics that may affect benefits coverage—such as sector (public or private), industry, region, employee status (full- or part-time), and establishment size—union workers are 18.3% more likely to be covered. (Health Insurance premium increases are subject to negotiations under a union contract)
- Unions provide due process, protecting workers from arbitrary dismissal. Private employment in every state except for Montana is generally “at will,” meaning employers are free to dismiss workers for almost any reason, except for reasons specified by law (e.g., on account of race, religion, disability, or other identities that are protected classes). Union contracts typically have provisions that require employers to have a proper, documented, performance-related reason for disciplining or dismissing a worker (“just cause”) and generally the worker has a chance to improve performance before the employer moves to dismiss the worker. Collective bargaining agreements also typically include a grievance and arbitration process to allow workers and the union to challenge unfair discipline or terminations.
- Union workers have more input into the number of hours they work. Almost half (46%) of nonunion workers say they have little or no input into the number of hours they work each week, compared with less than a quarter (22%) of union workers.
- Union workers get more advance notice of their work schedules. More than one in three workers (34.4%) who belong to a union get at least a week’s advance notice of their work schedules, whereas less than one in four nonunion workers (23.2%) do. (These calculations exclude workers whose schedules never change.)
Represented Co-Ops
We are stronger together. When unions secure wins for their members, they also lift the entire community by setting higher standards for wages and benefits. The majority of workers at these coops have already chosen IBEW membership:
• Logan County Cooperative Power & Light
• Holmes-Wayne Electric Cooperative
• Adams Rural Electric Cooperative
• Buckeye Rural Electric Cooperative
• Hancock-Wood Electric Cooperative
• South Central Power Company
• Big Sandy Rural Electric Cooperative
• Grayson Rural Electric Cooperative
• Jackson Purchase Energy Cooperative
• West Kentucky Rural Electric Cooperative
• Big Rivers Electric
• Gibson Electric Membership Corporation
• Owen Electric Cooperative
• Shelby Energy Cooperative
• Salt River Electric
• A&N Electric Cooperative
• Community Electric Cooperative
• Northern Virginia Electric Cooperative
• Craig-Botetourt Electric Cooperative
• Choptank Electric Cooperative
• Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative
West Virginia
• Harrison Rural Electrification Association
We Are Here To Help
In the utility industry, the IBEW represents linemen, groundmen, equipment operators, boiler operators, maintenance mechanics, electricians, welders, control room operators, dispatchers and many more occupations. Because of this wide range of members, our Political/Legislative Affairs Department works hand in hand with our Utilities Department. The departments work together on many legislative and regulatory issues impacting the membership. From the Clean Power Plan and other standards to permitting for new generation facilities, the departments work together for the benefit of our membership, their families, and their communities.
Q: Can my employer lay off, discharge or discipline any employees for trying to form a union?
A: No. It is illegal for the company to lay off, discharge or discipline any employees for trying to form a union. It is even illegal if the company threatens any of these, due to union activity. Your rights are protected by the National Labor Relations Act. (NLRA) In 1935, Congress passed this Act, making clear that it is the policy of the United States to encourage collective bargaining by protecting workers' full freedom of association. It’s our legal right as an American citizen to form, join, or assist a labor union.
Q: Can my employer ask about my union support, union matters, meetings, etc?
A: No. It’s a violation of the NLRA. For more information on your rights...see below.
Q: Is it illegal for my employer to assign work assignments, create conditions with the intention to get rid of employees because of their union activity?
A: Yes. This is illegal as well. This is a violation of Section 8(a)(3) of the Act. This is known as an Unfair Labor Practice (ULP)
Q: Is my employer allowed to hold scheduled benefits or wage increases because of union activity?
A: It is illegal for your employer to take away, or threaten to take away, any benefits which you already have because of your union activity.
Q: Is it illegal for an employer to threaten to close or move a facility to avoid dealing with a union?
A: Employees are afforded the right to have a FREE CHOICE in deciding whether they want to exercise their right to organize their UNION. Anything that an employer does to interfere with this free choice is against the law. This includes threatening to close or move a facility to avoid dealing with a union.
35 Things Your Employer Cannot Do - Click Image
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Ohio – Contact
Patrick Kallaher
IBEW Lead Organizer
Phone: 513-491-2784
Email: [email protected]
Kentucky – Contact
Andy Chapman
IBEW Lead Organizer
Phone: 304-654-8194
Email: [email protected]
West Virginia - Contact
Dale McCray
IBEW Lead Organizer
Phone: 304-841-2140
Email: [email protected]
Virginia - Contact
Danielle Buchanan
IBEW Lead Organizer
Phone: 240-444-2304
Email: [email protected]
Maryland, Washington DC - Contact
Danielle Buchanan
IBEW Lead Organizer
Phone: 240-444-2304
Email: [email protected]